Jul 17

Navigating Holidays and Special Occasions After the Loss of a Loved One

Admin John Hossack

Holidays and special occasions can be particularly challenging after the loss of a loved one. These times, which are often filled with joy and togetherness, can instead become poignant reminders of the absence of someone dear. At John Hossack Funeral Services, we understand the difficulties of navigating these emotional periods and offer some tips to help you handle holidays and special occasions while maintaining traditions and creating new ones.

Acknowledge Your Feelings

Allow Yourself to Grieve: It’s important to acknowledge that these occasions will be difficult and that it’s okay to feel sadness, anger, or frustration. Give yourself permission to grieve and express your emotions as they arise.

Communicate with Family: Share your feelings with family and friends. Open communication can help everyone understand each other’s needs and support one another more effectively.

Maintain Traditions

Honour Their Memory: Incorporating your loved one’s memory into existing traditions can be comforting. This might involve setting a place at the table for them, lighting a candle in their memory, or sharing stories and memories during the event.

Keep Beloved Traditions Alive: Maintaining traditions that were important to your loved one can provide a sense of continuity and comfort. Baking their favourite holiday treats or decorating the house in their style can help keep their spirit alive.

Adapt Traditions: Sometimes, modifying existing traditions can help ease the pain. If a particular tradition feels too difficult, consider adjusting it to better suit your current emotional state. For example, if a large family gathering feels overwhelming, opt for a smaller, more intimate celebration.

Create New Traditions

Start Fresh: Creating new traditions can provide a sense of hope and renewal. These new practices can honour your loved one while helping you move forward. Consider activities that bring joy and comfort, such as volunteering, planting a memorial garden, or taking a yearly trip to a special place.

Include Loved Ones: Involve family and friends in creating new traditions. This collaborative effort can strengthen bonds and provide collective support.

Focus on Giving: Shifting the focus to helping others can be a healing and fulfilling way to navigate holidays and special occasions. Volunteering or making charitable donations in your loved one’s name can be meaningful and rewarding.

Practical Tips for Holidays

Plan Ahead: Anticipate the emotional challenges of the season and plan accordingly. Make a list of potential triggers and think of ways to manage them.

Take Breaks: Give yourself permission to step away from festivities if you need to. It’s okay to take a quiet moment for yourself or to leave an event early.

Simplify: Reduce the pressure on yourself by simplifying holiday tasks. Consider scaling back on decorations, cooking, and other preparations to focus on what truly matters.


Navigating holidays and special occasions after the loss of a loved one is undoubtedly challenging, but with thoughtful planning and support, it is possible to find comfort and even joy. At John Hossack Funeral Services, we are committed to providing compassionate guidance and resources to help you through these difficult times.